The most suitable network marketing strategy for ceramic companies

November 10, 2018

Whether ceramics is suitable for network promotion, Deng Chaoming has made a detailed analysis in an article some time ago, the answer is yes, just to see how this thing is done. Maybe some ceramic companies managers or founders read, there will be several questions, one is what ceramic products suitable for network promotion; Second, which network marketing strategy is more suitable for the promotion of ceramic products; Third, who will do it? What is the process of this matter? Fourth is how to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the promotion.

Here, I start with the question of which network marketing strategies ceramic companies can adopt. Then in the next article, we will analyze several other issues in a continuous manner. Finally, we will form a “Winning Road Consultant Building Materials Marketing Center·Ceramic Enterprise Network Marketing Solution. Program". According to Deng Chaoming, ceramic companies have started their online marketing strategies. The following methods are worth planning and implementing.

Knowledge Marketing

From a general definition, knowledge marketing refers to the dissemination of new science and technology to the general public and its impact on people's lives. Through popular science propaganda, consumers are not only aware of it, but also know why, and re-establish new product concepts. , And then enable consumers to germinate the interest and needs of new products, to achieve the purpose of market development and expansion.

When ceramics promote new products, it is very necessary to develop this level of promotion to provide product-related professional knowledge on the Internet, to increase the value of products while also improving corporate image, such as new product technology innovation, cultural content, fashion , health and other elements.

The channels of communication used include newspapers, magazines, DM direct mail, conference lectures, and web tools such as increasingly impactful websites, online forums, blogs, QQ, and MSN.

Search Engine Marketing

Several search engines such as Baidu and Google not only affected more than 300 million Internet users, but also had a profound influence on the target consumer groups of ceramics. Most of the buyers in the post-70s and the 80s purchased the related ceramic products. More and more people have become accustomed to searching for information related to ceramics, such as tiles, tile brands, tile prices, tile rankings, top ten brands of tiles, and tiles. Now there are some ceramic manufacturers or distributors who have purchased some keywords, such as Inai tiles, Mona Lidong, etc., but generally speaking, ceramic companies do not pay attention to this promotion method, first, the method used is very simple, such as just Participate in keyword bidding, but when searching related keywords, there is no relevant authoritative report, which is not conducive to the promotion of ceramic brands and products; second, most companies have not fully utilized search engines to promote.

However, Deng Chaoming must remind that the use of search engines to promote and can not rely on the keyword bidding method, it is only 30% of the promotion, and according to the current hot word search volume, the cost is not low.

Network marketing

Through organizers, decoration logs, live sharing contests, or online DIY events, you can influence designers and consumers to form a more adequate stickiness.

Nowadays, the network activities of ceramic companies are still very few, and they basically have no influence. However, the promotion activities on the ground are quite complex and colorful. The main reason is that most people still have some doubts about the role of the Internet. In fact, this kind of “Ice Ice” is being broken. Whoever succeeds will be able to gain a leading competitive advantage. In the new marketing era, opponents will be left far behind.

Web Forum Promotion

The online forum is not only a channel for dissemination, but also can be used as a promotion strategy alone. Deng Chaoming suggested that discussions on the application of ceramic products can be made on the topics of fashion, lifestyle, taste, culture, and leisure. Guide people to participate in the interaction of these topics, so as to enhance the penetration of brand and product influence.

At the same time, the promotion of the activities through the forum and the organization of group purchases can also be operated. Generally, professional marketing planners, professional group organizers or website personnel are required to participate in the implementation. And most of them are the same city, the same region, or the same type of community.

Online video marketing

Simple hard-advertising video is generally only suitable for broadcast on TV stations or outdoor streaming media. If there is no large-area, high-frequency, long-time launching and bombardment of such advertisements, it is difficult to effectively increase brand awareness and sales effectiveness. However, most ceramic companies are currently Still trapped in this kind of video advertising traps, can not extricate themselves, such as shooting 15 seconds, 30 seconds of advertising, recording corporate videos, interviews with senior executives, which is far from meeting the promotion needs